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Home » Secretary Antony J. Blinken And Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi Before the U.S.-Indonesia Strategic Dialogue

Secretary Antony J. Blinken And Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi Before the U.S.-Indonesia Strategic Dialogue

by Koby John
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FOREIGN MINISTER MARSUDI:  Okay.  So first of all, of course, good afternoon, Secretary Blinken, Tony, and thank you very much for having this second Strategic Dialogue.  I also appreciate you for joining the ASEAN Summit that’s under the Indonesian chairmanship, and of course, we thank you very much for all your support for the chairmanship of Indonesia and ASEAN.

For us, ASEAN-U.S. partnership is very crucial for both regional as well as global strategy, especially in the work-through of complex challenges and uncertainties.  We need more cooperation among nations to address all these challenges, including, of course, in the Indo-Pacific.  And the Indo-Pacific must be open to have round for dialogue and concrete cooperation, therefore U.S. presence in the region must (inaudible) for peace, stability, and security.  And with the U.S. support, we can better establish an inclusive regional architecture through concrete cooperation.

So ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific is the guidance for us and (inaudible) the vision.  And this is not only – as I mentioned to you, not only beneficial for the ASEAN itself, but it will contribute to the peace, stability, and prosperity in the region.  And next year will mark the 75th anniversary of our bilateral ties, and this anniversary should a turning point of our partnership to be stronger, faster, and more beneficial for our two people.

So now I would like to invite you, Tony, to (inaudible).

SECRETARY BLINKEN:  Retno, thank you so much, and we’re really grateful for this opportunity to have the second Strategic Dialogue, especially in the midst of all of the activity that you’re responsible for, particularly of leading us in ASEAN.  I think we had a very good session this morning of the (inaudible) looking forward to more this afternoon.  But I’m especially grateful – we’re all especially grateful – for Indonesia’s leadership, and we’re looking forward as well to the leaders meetings and the work that needs – remains to be done.

But our own partnership, our own relationship, as you noted, will be entering its 75th year next year.  I think that’s an opportunity for us to continue to deepen and to strengthen that partnership.  We are working together – the United States and Indonesia – in so many different areas that go directly to the well-being, the lives, and the livelihoods of our people, and we very much value that.

I think we share the same vision for the region that we share:  a free, open, secure, prosperous, connected, resilient region.  And the work that we’re doing together is trying to make that vision real in very concrete ways for our people, and that’s the spirit in which we’re approaching things.

We are hosting, of course, APEC later this year as well.  We’re working together on the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework as well as on the Just Energy Transition Partnership.  But I think what’s also very striking to me is the fact that the ASEAN Outlook and our own Indo-Pacific Strategy are very closely (inaudible) in the perspectives and the views that they bring to what we’re trying to achieve – a strong adherence to ASEAN centrality.  We’re reaffirming that here in Jakarta and reaffirming the partnership between the United States and Indonesia.  So thank you so much for taking the time for the Strategic Dialogue even in the midst of the ASEAN Summit.

Source : state.gov

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